"We have now started 74 different Prayer Centers, or Campuses, of the College of Prayer. Each of these Prayer Centers are experiencing a dramatic transformation. God is sending revival to Cuba." ~ Cuban Pastor
"When I introduced my people to the seven rooms in the House of Prayer, they were overwhelmed. They had never heard anything like this. As I led them in prayer into each of the seven rooms, many were literally knocked on the floor in the presence of God’s holiness. We encountered Christ in each of the seven rooms." ~ Cuban Pastor
"In the central area of Cuba there has been a stronghold of witchcraft. Since we have introduced the College of Prayer we have seen many repent and come to Christ. It is as if God is breaking the power of the enemy and pushing back the darkness in our region. Praise the Lord." ~ Cuban Pastor
- Ask God to give us favor with the Directors (Bishops, Presidents, Coordinators) of each of the major denominations. Only this weekend did I realize that we are working primarily with Lieutenants rather than Generals. As grateful as we are for the Lieutenants, until we get favor with the Generals we will not be able to thoroughly impact the church.
- Ask God to give us funding for publications. Cuba is bankrupt. These dear people are distributing dog-eared photocopies of our curriculum, and that is not acceptable. We need to help the precious church in Cuba to provide them with funds so that the first generation of the College of Prayer will have a solid foundation of the same kind of printed materials we use everywhere else around the world. They are hungry and they are desperate, but they need our financial help.
- We need to build a broader College of Prayer Leadership Team in Cuba to train more groups across the island. We are receiving more and more invitations from individual denominations to train all their leaders. We want to be able to rise to these demands, but we need help. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to thrust forth laborers into the harvest field as we seek God for a strategy to find these workers who will go and do the training in 2018.