News & Updates.
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This month begins the launch of a strategic initiative to launch hundreds of campuses across the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Our regional leaders, Willy Muyabwa and Kitunda Kisose, need our support financially and in prayer. We have a growing need to publish our three year curriculum and help scholarship pastors who would otherwise not be able to come. Will you join with us?
"Freely you have received, freely give" is one of the greatest kingdom principles. Jesus taught this principle to His disciples when He sent them out (Matthew 10:8), and He is teaching it to our College of Prayer family all over the world.
I just returned from an undisclosed nation where we have been invited by underground church leaders to mentor, train and equip 80 million Christ-followers using the curriculum of the College of Prayer. Yes, you read that number right! Our Pioneer Team Director, Don Young, along with Donny Mui and I, taught and ministered to four large groups of house-church pastors. In the next two months, these pastors will plant more than 200 local church campuses of the College of Prayer. Ministering in one of the largest persecuted church nations on earth is leading us to strategically invest in pastors who are committed to our vision and to our strategy for developing praying churches. Due to the complexities of ministering in persecuted nations, we cannot develop traditional campuses as we do elsewhere. We are "freely giving" what we have received over 18 years of ministry, teaching them to do the same with their local congregations. To God be the glory! I want to invite you to partner with us today. We are asking God for 200 new Monthly Partners before the end of the year whose prayers and financial resources will bless and facilitate these new local church campuses. For a commitment of only $25 a month, you can partner with a new campus of the College of Prayer in persecuted areas. Your partnership will help ensure that we can provide our curriculum to these churches as well as provide ongoing mentoring/training for these pastors who are committed to becoming "houses of prayer for all nations" (Is. 56:7). Won't you partner with us today? Now is the time. Click here to give online or call us at (770) 829-0122. We work with tremendous leaders and we've been asking God for Asia. This year, influential church leaders in two of the largest populated nations on earth have asked us to bring the College of Prayer to serve them.
INDIA: It was a year ago we began asking God for this nation. In March we joined Samuel Stephens and his network of 76,000 churches and began mentoring, training and equipping their leaders. He wants all of his churches to be involved with the College of Prayer. We have already planted two campuses and another one launches this month. They have plans to plant 300 more campuses in the next 5 years. UNDISCLOSED: One of the largest networks of underground believers has invited the College of Prayer to serve them. Leaders of this network told us that 30 years ago the church in their area was growing rapidly because "they were a praying church." It was their primary agenda. Then, they lost focus on prayer and began to give more attention to education, theology and doctrine. They replaced prayer and fervency for God with head knowledge. While they don't want to abandon good theology and doctrine, they desperately want to get back to a lifestyle of prayer. Leaders of this network asked us in April "Would you train our leaders to pray again?" That's our honor! We can't do this without you. Would you partner with us? For only $25 a month, you can partner with us to mentor, train and equip leaders in these developing areas. Many of these Christian leaders face significant persecution for their faith. It's time to advance Christ's Kingdom in these strategic locations while the doors are open. Due to persecution in these areas, our opportunity might be short. Now is the time! Will you step up and partner with us? In August and September we will be training more leaders throughout India and undisclosed areas of Asia. We need your help. Your partnership supports the translation and printing of our materials in local dialects and also provides scholarships for pastors to attend the College of Prayer in their region. Your prayers are opening doors in ways never before seen. Please keep interceding for our ministry, specifically in Asia. Last month we launched our 275th campus in Queens, New York helping my long-time friend, Pastor Ozzie Cruzado, plant the first Spanish-speaking College of Prayer campus in North America. Pastor Ozzie and members of his campus and congregation have a vision to take the College of Prayer to Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Bolivia and even Cuba!
Want you join us in partnering together to reach a lost world through a revived church all across Latin America? Lord, give us Latin America! You can become a monthly partner today! In April 2015, Regional Director Rev. Willy Muyabwa relaunched the ministry of the College of Prayer in Uganda. We are so excited about the opportunities to mentor, train and equip Christian leaders and pastors throughout this great nation. As, you'll see in the video, they're pretty excited too!
October 2024