We want to say thank you to all of those who have been praying and giving towards this initiative. Jon Mitchell (Executive Director) and Don Young (Pioneer Director) led the way, and 8 days were spent mentoring, training and equipping almost 300 Church leaders in two strategic areas of India. Time was spent in each location modeling a module and then leading them through the Advanced Leadership Training (ALT). It was extremely evident that God was at work throughout the 8 days of ministry. These pastors were so eager to take the Examination of Excellence to be officially certified to plant College of Prayer campuses that they were ripping exams out of our leaders hands! To wrap up both the training both locations, we had them commit to and sign the Upper Room Manifesto. Again, they were so eager to align themselves with the College of Prayer movement that they were fighting over the pens!
When asked about the significance of this partnership, Jon Mitchell said, "I have to say, IGL is one of the best run and well organized ministries I have ever seen. They communicate efficiently and effectively with their network and invest heavily in their spiritual formation, of which we are now officially part of. They have 7 Zone Coordinators which ultimately oversee thousands of church planters, and two directors over that area of their ministry. They have committed to us one of their directors and one of their Zone Coordinators. In other words, they have given us two of their best to oversee the College of Prayer in India because that's how highly they value this partnership and this movement. To me, that says everything. They are men of God who have been highly impacted by our ministry and we need to support them well."
Because of IGL's well run network, the College of Prayer will advance rapidly there. We expect 40 new campuses in the next 8-12 months, and then growth will accelerate even faster. We believe this requires a new dynamic of intercession and giving on all of our parts. When asked about this, Mitchell said, "India is still a third-world country. They have very little, but what they have, they are willing to invest. We need to be prepared to do our part also. I know we will. God has given the vision, and He will meet with provision. I'm not concerned about raising funds, I'm concerned about raising our level of faith!"
God is using this movement of the College of Prayer in some of the most significant ways on earth. People are being revived. Lives are being changed. Families are being restored. Churches are becoming Houses of Prayer for all nations. We are reaching a lost world through a revived church!