Since our beginning through today, we have been leading leaders to a fresh encounter with christ.
"When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman..." Galatians 4:4
Christmas is all about timing—you don't want to be late with your purchases, and you don't want to be late to the party!
The scripture says, "When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman," (Galatians 4:4.) The birth of Jesus was all about timing.
The kingdom of God is also about timing. God is never late; He is always on time. We, as His followers, always want to be on time so that we stay in step with the advancement of Christ's kingdom in the fullness of time. Just as God prepared everything for the first coming of Christ in the fullness of time, so He is preparing everything for the second coming of Christ in fullness of time.
The College of Prayer was also born in the fullness of time. God is using the College of Prayer to ready the church to reach the final unreached peoples on earth prior to His second coming.
Only four years ago we were in 78 nations; now, by the grace of Christ, we are in 208 nations, including every nation in the Western Hemisphere, every nation in Africa, the Middle East and in Mainland Asia.
In many nations we serve more than 30% of the believers.
We now serve 90% of the persecuted church nations.
We only have a few nations in Europe and in the Indo Pacific Islands remaining, and with most of them we are already in conversation.
In the US we have seen more hunger, desperation and advancement than ever before. We currently have 49 College of Prayer campuses across the country. Countless churches have been impacted through our resources and online REVIVAL NOW media platform.
Your prayers and financial support are needed more now than ever to help us finish the task in the fullness of time. The clock is ticking. Christ is returning soon. The final unreached people on earth must be reached, and they will only be reached through a revived praying church. We yet need $274,000 in December to finish the year in the black and to be prepared for every opportunity in 2025. God has positioned the College of Prayer in the fullness of time to play a strategic role in readying the church for Christ's return.
Would you ask Christ right now what he would have you give to the College of Prayer in the fullness of time? Thank you for your partnership with us and with Christ. Merry Christmas!